Monday, February 16, 2009

Still Alive

Itz been quite long since my last post about the problem that i have been going through.
It has not ended, and itz getting worst day by day. 
I have made really stupid mistakes in life, and i want god to forgive me for that. 
When jesus could forgive the people that made him die, the people that were the reason for his death, 
I am sure my loving God will forgive me for whatever i have done.
I am sure God will show me away out of this problem.

I am trying not to give up with life, but i do hope that is not what he has written for me.

I have time till March 10 to stay alive.
Thank God i still have about three weeks.

My valentines

First ever valentines that i spent in a wedding.  My valentines started at 11.55pm on the 13th, when someone special came to see me, 
and this is the first valentines that i celebrated at 12midnight sharp. 
This is also the best valentines for me since, 
i attended my pet brother's wedding, and i partied till i was tired, 
the best valentines ever, something that can never ever leave my memories.
Valentines has never been soo much special to me, but this year, 
celebrating valentines with someone special at 12am sharp, and being able to wish him happy Valentines was God's Valentines gift for me, but Satan too had his gift for me on Valentines night. It was actually After Valentines that my misery started till today..
An unforgetable memory that i will treasure every second of my life.

I would like to thank God, for opening my eyes but i am also dissapointed that God opened my eyes at the very last minute. But Thank god for bringing that special person into my life.

Love is in the air