Friday, May 1, 2009

Kya Life Hai!!!!!!!!

Sometimes when i am upset i just look up and  Ask Why me?
Most of the time I dont get my answers!!!!
I think to myself why has god Planned all this for me????
I dont like my LIFE BEING CONTROL!!!!
I dont know why God gave me a life, Why? 
Why did God gave me a life for others to control???

At home i have no peace!!!
Outside  i have no peace!!!

In the Past there was someone to control me,
 now too someone to control me...

The funny thing is my parents are not the one who is controlling....
Parents who are controlling me, not to that extend where someone one else is controlling me...

Betrayal at home....
Is this what i should expect from a sibling!!! 
 A sibling whom i sooo trust, the one and only sibling!
Is a Droghi!!!! Batu Api!!!

The one and only place where i Reli Enjoy is with my close friends.
My B3 Friends....
The Speaky gang...

I dont feel at peace anywhere else..
I dont feel my home is the best place to be anymore.
No where is the best place for me to be execpt college.
In college although there are people i dont talk to, its not betrayal and control.
My friends dont control me whom i should talk to, to whom i shoud be with and everything.

Elsewhere................. no comments!!!!!

Read between the lines.

I pray for a peacefull life...

Or is it by staying single i would be happy? Should i remain being single?
Gosh, Decision nowdays are just sooo hard to make.....

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