Saturday, May 2, 2009


Hunger for love!

this love doesnt have to mean romantic relationship love...
it could be parental love.....

Mother Theresa once said, 
"the hunger for love is much difficult to be remove than the hunger for bread".....
I agree 10o% to that statment. 

Nowdays, parents who are soo stressed up with work, tend to forget/ neglect thier children's need of love and attention...
Well i too experience that..
Its either i dont get thier attention at all, or thier attention goes for something else...

Its common where you see in a household, the youngest is the one who always get the most attention, but at times parents forget that its not the  youngest one who is the one who should get all the attention, thats wrong.... i wouldnt know that because i am not a parent....
But what parent should do is to share thier love equally. Not being a picky parents and having favouritism. 
That term is mostly practiced in school and colleges, 
but why should it be practiced at HOME?
It is not acceptable at all!
Why Cant Parents share thier LOVE????

Children with Lack of Love who has experiences childhood neglect will have invisible scars left that will take a while to heal...  
Children with Lack of Love tend to think that if thier parents think that they are not worthy then at all times thier self esteem goes down.

Lack of Love to have many effects on the individual's life..
For instance, the individual may experience difficulty in Romantic Relationship!!
The self defeating behavior of one, serves to recreate the type of environment that he or she has lived through. In this case, they may have the tendency to fall in love with the partner who are emotionally or physically absent. Somehow this will lead to tolerence since she has tolerated this all her life, from young it is as though she/he has been conditioned to settle for verry little in a romantic relationship.
Simply because they dont feel they deserve better.

This is the exact situation i have been going through.....

I have realize it, but hard to change.

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