Friday, April 24, 2009


Another semester gone just like that with my most 5 best friends.....
Assignments, Poster Defense, Teasing, Advising, Lepaking (eating indo mee), Stress, Stay Over,
Eating Eating Eating....., Exams, Tutorials, Lecture, Pontenging Class, Level 9 room...
As time pass by, i feel a strong bond among us, 
Haha... well what to do? Bangsa Bangsa bersatu... has become the most important part of my life.
Everyday i go to colg what i look forward is for all of us to be there togather, to attend class, to makan togather and to lepak at the mamak togather.
Studying is besides the point!
I have never loved Help sooo much, the reason i love going to help nowday, is because of my best friends.....
In 30 mins someone could give advise (which Valerie tought wasnt a good advise)...
In the begining of the year, i tought that my new year was bad, i tought that i would have a bad year this year....
I have never expected soo much of fun, and i feel like this is the best year of my life.
One day, i will feel that this are the "Days of Our lifes" we shall all walk through our memory lane.

This people, has requested to make my 21st bday party theme a bollywood theme....
how would this match with my pool party?
We shall make a way!!!
B3 Boleh!!! 
I hope u guys saw that... B3 Boleh.... LOL

1 comment:

Christopher Timothy said...

Dont forget to invite me... :D