Wednesday, April 29, 2009

The Best CONCERT!!!

I have never been to a praise and worship concert before.... 
but on the 25th of April 2009
marks the best, awasome concert that i have been to before. 
That day will be in my diary forever....
OLL must be proud to have Prodigal Appostle's , so as CDM, I am soo proud that
one of the band members in the Prodigal Appostle's is actually from CDM.... 
cool or not.

The concert Rocked... Well when you have the Pro's playing wouldnt it be? 
it was the higlight of the show. I have never ever 
in my life enjoyed praising Jesus @ God in my life. 
The truth is, i never thought  that praising God would 
be superb and amazing, till i went for this concert.... 
With all my strength, i too join in the crowd 
of approximately 500 youths from all over and jumped in and praised GOD. Singing to the almighty one. 

The praise and worship concert really was an eye opener. Gave me ideas, and i felt that i love singing tooo..... Although i know that i dont have a good voice... LOL....
But so what, Jesus doesnt care weather i have a good voice or not, 
I am taking the initiative to do it, i am taking the initiative to praise him, 
I am not doing it for the name and fame!!!!!!!!

My redeemer lives in me...
I will not let the fire from the rally fade of in me...
I will keep the fire burning....

Feel sooooo semangat to serve the youths OF CDM....


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