Monday, March 9, 2009

Mean People......

Why are people mean at times? why should people be very mean at times?
In a place where we practice faith, and suppose to 
"forgive and forget" everything, people ae competing among each other,
why, why, and why? I ask the Lord,
Why did he bring me to this place, where it creates a lot of hurt of me.....

In a place, a sacred and holy place, politics are being practiced, 
Im so hurt with what is going on at this place, and at times, i rely feel like giving up,
i question my lord, why did he choose me to be herE? why did he bring me here?
He should have had a reason for putting me here in this place, 
but what was his reason?
To get hurt every other time, someone passes sacarstic remarks?



Anonymous said...

who's being mean?

Christopher Timothy said...

whatever it is... we must still continue to serve. there is nothing to stop us from serving. Its between you and God.

Dancing Fantasy said...

well, you will know for yourself....
Cris definately knows who it is....